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Christian Religious Studies


Christian Religious Studies for Junior Secondary Schools is a complete new edition, which consists of three course books designed to excite the knowledge of God in the students following the new NERDC curriculum for Upper Basic Education.

Being non-denominational, the book treats each topic systematically and presents the ideas with situation practical to the students in simple language. Bible readings, stories and explanations, drama sketches, class discussions, exercises and activities alongside colourful illustrations, actively involve the student in the teaching and learning process as religion has to do with our everyday life.

The authors are experienced teachers drawn from the different geopolitical zones in the country and have written the book not only to be used in classrooms but also at Sunday school.

Each book is accompanied by a workbook, which serves as an invaluable guide to the students in revising what has been done in class, and a volume of Teachers’ Guide.

Authors: J. Olufemi Olugasa, Shelia H. Davies, Agodi U. Ochulo, Umar Habila Danfulani

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ISBN: N/A SKU: 33 Categories: , Tag:


Christian Religious Studies for Junior Secondary Schools is a complete new edition, which consists of three course books designed to excite the knowledge of God in the students following the new NERDC curriculum for Upper Basic Education.

Being non-denominational, the book treats each topic systematically and presents the ideas with situation practical to the students in simple language. Bible readings, stories and explanations, drama sketches, class discussions, exercises and activities alongside colourful illustrations, actively involve the student in the teaching and learning process as religion has to do with our everyday life.

The authors are experienced teachers drawn from the different geopolitical zones in the country and have written the book not only to be used in classrooms but also at Sunday school.

Each book is accompanied by a workbook, which serves as an invaluable guide to the students in revising what has been done in class, and a volume of Teachers’ Guide.

Authors: J. Olufemi Olugasa, Shelia H. Davies, Agodi U. Ochulo, Umar Habila Danfulani

Additional information

Weight 0.5 kg
Dimensions 56 × 23 × 27 cm

JSS, Hardcover, Audiobook, Audio CD, Kindle




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