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Comprehensive Certificate Geography


Comprehensive Certificate Geography for Senior Secondary Schools is specially revised to accommodate the changes and developments in the curriculum published by the Nigerian Educational Research and Development Council NERDC.


This revised edition is structured in six parts, unlike the previous three-part structure. They are: The Earth and Landforms; Weather, Climate, Soil and Vegetation; Human Geography; Regional Geography of Nigeria (new); Regional Geography of Africa (new); and Map Reading (new). These are divided into chapters for detailed and comprehensive treatment.


The Inclusion of Regional Geography (Nigeria and Africa) and Map Reading in this revised edition has necessitated the change in the title of the from Certificate Physical and Human Geography for Senior Secondary Schools to a new title – Comprehensive Certificate Geography for senior Secondary Schools (Physical, Human and Regional Geography with Map Reading).


The book is domesticated as geographical features are drawn from the local environment of Nigeria and Africa, where they are applicable, and other parts of the world where necessary.


There are revision questions and exercises at the end of each chapter to refocus the attention of the student on key issues on the subject and adequately prepare them for terminal examinations such as WASSCE and SSCE.


The authors are influential geography teachers with experience spanning a long period of research and teaching.


Students of Geography at the Senior Secondary and undergraduate levels will find this all-encompassing book on Geography an inseparable companion.

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Additional information

Weight 1.0 kg
Dimensions 9.3 × 7.15 cm


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