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Cultural and Creative Arts


Cultural and Creative Arts for Primary Schools is packaged in six books to meet the requirements of the newly developed Basic Education curriculum by the Nigerian Educational Research and Development Council (NERDC) for cultural and creative arts.

The content of the books has been arranged into themes, modules and units not only to satisfy the specifications of the NERDC but also to afford the pupils the opportunity of developing the necessary skills in cultural and creative arts.

The books are written in simple language that is easy to read and understand, A learner’s motivated approach has been used to enable pupils study the materials presented with minimal assistance from teachers.

A number of activities including revision exercises are built into the texts, workbooks and the Teachers’ Guides.

The books are written by authors who have many years of teaching experience in creative arts.

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  • Primary
  • Primary 1
  • Primary 2
  • Primary 3
  • Primary 4
  • Primary 5
  • Primary 6
ISBN: N/A SKU: 11 Categories: , Tags: ,


Cultural and Creative Arts for Primary Schools is packaged in six books to meet the requirements of the newly developed Basic Education curriculum by the Nigerian Educational Research and Development Council (NERDC) for cultural and creative arts.

The content of the books has been arranged into themes, modules and units not only to satisfy the specifications of the NERDC but also to afford the pupils the opportunity of developing the necessary skills in cultural and creative arts.

The books are written in simple language that is easy to read and understand, A learner’s motivated approach has been used to enable pupils study the materials presented with minimal assistance from teachers.

A number of activities including revision exercises are built into the texts, workbooks and the Teachers’ Guides.

The books are written by authors who have many years of teaching experience in creative arts.

Additional information

Weight 0.5 kg
Dimensions 56 × 23 × 27 cm

Primary, Hardcover, Audiobook, Audio CD, Kindle


Primary 1, Primary 2, Primary 3, Primary 4, Primary 5, Primary 6


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