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Fishery for Senior Secondary Schools is designed to cover the three-year senior secondary schools trades curriculum developed by the Nigerian Educational Research Development Council (NERDC) to meet the key targets of the National Economic Empowerment and Development Strategy (NEEDS).

The series provides the basis for theoretical knowledge on the best way (s) fish can be produced optimally in the practical field. It also discusses common health challenges of fish and provides easy ways of handling some of these disease conditions.

Fishery, as a subject of trade is presented to the students for the first time and the themes in the books are progressively arranged for easy comprehension.

The first two themes are for the basic understanding of the trade for senior secondary schools one, the subsequent three themes are for senior secondary school two while the last two themes are for the understanding of senior secondary school three students who must have acquainted themselves with a fair knowledge of the subject.

Activities and revision questions are included at the end of each chapter. These help the teachers to evaluate the students’ understanding of what has been taught.

The books are moderately illustrated and the language of presentation is simple.

The books are imbued with practical orientation which is expected to provide a trade for students for self-reliance and sustainability on leaving school. Each book has an accompanying workbook and a Teachers’ Guide.

The Authors are experienced teachers in the field.

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ISBN: 978 978 940 133 8 Category: Tags: , , , ,

Additional information

Weight 0.1 kg
Dimensions 9.25 × 7.25 cm


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