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Home Economics

Home Economics for Primary Schools is packaged in six books to meet the requirements of the newly developed Basic Education curriculum by the Nigerian Research and Development Council (NERDC) for primary home economics for Lower Basic and Middle Basic.

As a vocational subject, the content of the books has been arranged into themes, modules and units not only to satisfy the specifications of the NERDC but also to afford the pupil the opportunity of developing the necessary skills to contribute their part to a healthy family life and function effectively in society within the limits of their capacity.

Apart from the evaluation questions, the activities at the end of each module are structured in the form of learning experiences to assist pupils in understanding themselves and their roles in today’s society.

The series provides the necessary foundation for Home Economics as a subject at the junior secondary level, thus providing a holistic course for the 9-year basic education programme.

Each book is accompanied by a workbook and a teacher’s guide. The authors are experienced teachers of home economics drawn from the main cultural groupings in the country.

Authors: Olabisi Are , Obiageli Eyisi, Khad.ijat Omar

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ISBN: N/A SKU: 16 Categories: , Tags: ,


Home Economics for Primary Schools is packaged in six books to meet the requirements of the newly developed Basic Education curriculum by the Nigerian Research and Development Council (NERDC) for primary home economics for Lower Basic and Middle Basic.

As a vocational subject, the content of the books has been arranged into themes, modules and units not only to satisfy the specifications of the NERDC but also to afford the pupil the opportunity of developing the necessary skills to contribute their part to a healthy family life and function effectively in society within the limits of their capacity.

Apart from the evaluation questions, the activities at the end of each module are structured in the form of learning experiences to assist pupils in understanding themselves and their roles in today’s society.

The series provides the necessary foundation for Home Economics as a subject at the junior secondary level, thus providing a holistic course for the 9-year basic education programme.

Each book is accompanied by a workbook and a teacher’s guide. The authors are experienced teachers of home economics drawn from the main cultural groupings in the country.

Authors: Olabisi Are , Obiageli Eyisi, Khad.ijat Omar

Additional information

Weight 0.5 kg
Dimensions 56 × 23 × 27 cm

Primary, Hardcover, Audiobook, Audio CD, Kindle


Primary 1, Primary 2, Primary 3, Primary 4, Primary 5, Primary 6


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