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Physical and Health Education 1-6


Physical and Health Education for Primary Schools is a six books series, which follows strictly the new Nigerian Educational Research and Development Council (NERDC) curriculum for the 9-year Universal Basic Education programme.

In order to present physical and health education in a holistic manner to pupils, the thematic approach to content organisation as recommended by NERDC has been adopted.

The topics under each theme are structured and treated across the nine-year of basic education. This is done to sustain pupils’ interest and promote meaningful learning as well as make the subject functional.

The books contain various examples and illustrations which are widely distributed to aid pupils’ understanding of the concepts being learnt. The activities as well as revision questions introduced at the end of each module will also assist teachers in their assessment of pupils’ achievement.

Each book in the series is accompanied by a workbook and a teachers’ guide. The series is written by well-known and experienced teachers of Physical and Health Education selected from different parts of the country.

Authors: Bidemi Idowu, Abdullahi Jimoh, Lydia Gbagi

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  • Primary
  • Primary 1
  • Primary 2
  • Primary 3
  • Primary 4
  • Primary 5
  • Primary 6
ISBN: N/A SKU: 23 Categories: , Tag:


Physical and Health Education for Primary Schools is a six books series, which follows strictly the new Nigerian Educational Research and Development Council (NERDC) curriculum for the 9-year Universal Basic Education programme.

In order to present physical and health education in a holistic manner to pupils, the thematic approach to content organisation as recommended by NERDC has been adopted.

The topics under each theme are structured and treated across the nine-year of basic education. This is done to sustain pupils’ interest and promote meaningful learning as well as make the subject functional.

The books contain various examples and illustrations which are widely distributed to aid pupils’ understanding of the concepts being learnt. The activities as well as revision questions introduced at the end of each module will also assist teachers in their assessment of pupils’ achievement.

Each book in the series is accompanied by a workbook and a teachers’ guide. The series is written by well-known and experienced teachers of Physical and Health Education selected from different parts of the country.

Authors: Bidemi Idowu, Abdullahi Jimoh, Lydia Gbagi

Additional information

Weight 0.5 kg
Dimensions 56 × 23 × 27 cm

Primary, Hardcover, Audiobook, Audio CD, Kindle


Primary 1, Primary 2, Primary 3, Primary 4, Primary 5, Primary 6


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