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Comprehensive Certificate Commerce for Senior Secondary School (3)


Comprehensive Certificate Commerce for Senior Secondary Schools is a three-part series written in line with the new curriculum for senior secondary education.

Book One focuses on the provision of basic information on the subject and the consideration of the various types of trade and business organisations. Book Two discusses issues bordering on business formation, career opportunities and activities supporting trade while Book Three discusses business capital and customer service, establishment and management of business, the capital market and economic groupings in West Africa.

There are value additions such as concluding each chapter with summary or key points; concluding each chapter with revision questions; inclusion of an appendix, which contains past questions to prepare students for examinations; and materials to aid potential and young entrepreneurs.

These books would illuminate the uninformed, serve as an introductory text for students in higher institutions as well as enrich the budding entrepreneurs who fervently yearn to upgrade their knowledge and skills in the business world.

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ISBN: 978 978 069 805 8 Category: Tags: , , , ,


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