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Vocational Education


Vocational education is a practical and knowledge-based education which enables students acquire practical skills relating to occupations in various sectors of economic and social life. Through vocational skills, students are trained and equipped with practical and workable knowledge in specific trades or occupations rather than just theory.

Vocational education is a very crucial tool for economic and social development. This is because the knowledge gained from vocational skills is required for an efficient and competent work force in any society as it helps individuals to think critically and be more practical in solving societal issues.

In this current clime, where blue-collar jobs are not so easy to find, it is becoming increasingly important to start introducing children to vocational studies from an early age in order to foster a holistic career awareness and growth amongst them. Children should be given the opportunity to learn whatever skills they want based on their natural gifts and preferences. In fact, many of the skills required to compete in the global market in this 21st century are vocational and technical skills.

Introducing vocational subjects to children from the primary level helps to sharpen their personal qualities such as problem solving skills, creativity and other general capabilities essential for a successful future career. It also makes them to become practically oriented and exposes them to a positive awareness and appreciation of the world of work.

Finally, vocational studies plays a vital role in improving the standard of living as it helps to enhance self-employability and economic productivity which, in turn, can help eliminate and conquer poverty, especially in the African society.

In view of the above, having identified the necessity of vocational studies amongst children in the society, University Press Plc, in line with the recently revised Nigerian curriculum, published the Pre-Vocational Studies for Primacy Schools, Books 1-3 (Lower Basic Education). This book is a series published in three volumes. It is created from the integration of Agriculture and Home Economics for Primary Schools curricula, as developed by the Nigerian Educational Research and Development Council (NERDC).

The contents of the series are centred on the prescribed themes for easy integration of issues like farming, farm tools, identification of crops, care of farm tools, care of the home, care of the body, etc. Efforts have been made to present these issues in a very simple language, to make the books easily accessible to pupils at the primary levels of education.

The textbooks are pupil-centred. Evaluation questions and activities provided at the end of each module assist the teacher in evaluating pupils’ performance, based on the performance objectives at the beginning of the module.

The series is written by experienced home economists and agricultural scientists and is one of the best vocational studies textbooks you can find anywhere.

To purchase this book, visit;



By Janice Johnson Pemida


  • Abid
    December 18, 2022

    Good post


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