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University Press PLC | The foremost publishers

Mid-Year Reflections


Just like yesterday, we celebrated the New Year with lots of joy, enthusiasm and hope for a better year. Today, we woke up to realise that the first half of 2022 is already gone and we have just turned the corner into the second half.

As an organization, this is a great time to pause, reflect on the first six months of the year and, perhaps, re-strategize for the remaining six months ahead.

Looking back at the successes that have driven University Press Plc, we appreciate the affectionate and avowed relationships we share with our customers, colleagues, shareholders, stakeholders, friends and even competitors. This second half of the year gives us all the opportunity to reflect on what truly matters to us as individuals and as an organization. It is a time to celebrate our wins, identify challenges and proffer tangible solutions to enable us have more productive and successful second half of the year.

Indeed, the first half of 2022 has been quite challenging for individuals and organizations in Nigeria and on the global front. From rising insecurity to inflation, fiscal pressures, high electricity tariffs, foreign exchange crisis, etc., the hike in global food and fuel prices caused by the Russia-Ukraine war has also contributed in worsening the Nigerian situation.

 Despite the above-mentioned challenges, University Press Plc has remained committed to satisfying its customers. Being a customer-centric organization, we have, based on feedback from our customers and the market needs, reviewed some of our existing titles and also introduced new ones into the market.

Some of the titles published by University Press Plc in the first half of this year are listed below:

Curriculum-Based Titles

  1. Verbal, Quantitative and Logical Reasoning for Primary Schools, 1-6
  2. MAN Mathematic for Senior Secondary Schools, 1-3 (Revised)
  3. Active Handwriting

Tertiary and General Interest Titles

  1. Snapsongs: Homegroans and Foreignflares
  2. Comprehensive Certificate Physics
  3. From Scratch to Success 
  4. Transformation Mathematics
  5. Government Accounting
  6. Politics and Government in Nigeria

Also, three new casebooks have been added to the UP Plc Casebook Law Series, bringing the total number of casebooks to thirteen (13). The three new casebooks are:

  1. Casebook on Company Law
  2. Casebook on Law of banking
  3. Administrative Law

For further enquiries on the above-listed titles and how to purchase them or any other UP Plc published title, visit www.universitypressplc.com or contact us on Whatsapp via +2348121515795

Finally, as we have said goodbye to the first-half of year 2022 and embraced the second half, we wish you and your loved ones happy and healthy months ahead. Endeavour to take time to engage in activities that make you happy and fulfilled always. University Press Plc looks forward to a continued and seamless friendship, business relationship and more opportunities with you in the coming months.


By Janice J. Pemida


  • Innocent
    July 3, 2022

    This is Awesome 👏


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