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Christian Religious Studies and National Values for Junior Secondary


A three course books series designed following the Nigerian Educational Research and Development Council’s (NERDC) curriculum.


  • A completely new edition and written in line with the new NERDC curriculum for upper basic education.
  • The books are written in themes, chapters and units for better understanding.
  • The books are colourfully illustrated with user friendly layout design.

Christian Religious Studies Section

  • Non-denominational, the series treat each topic systematically and presents the ideas with situations practical to the students in simple language.
  • The books feature Bible readings, stories and explanations, drama sketches, class discussions, exercises and activities alongside brainteasers and puzzles.

National Values Section

  • It focuses primarily on the inculcation of societal, moral and interpersonal values.
  • It treats social and topical issues such as value re-orientation, poverty eradication, peace and dialogue, family life and drug abuse in well-selected modules and themes.
  • It serves as a flow of knowledge and experiences from the primary school level.
  • It helps to promote key values such as honesty, justice, discipline, right attitude to work and national consciousness among the students.
  • Being a living subject that relates to the everyday life of students, the books imbibe in the children the knowledge of God and their responsibilities to society.
  • The book is not committed to any doctrine viewpoint; hence validates the essence of faith, sacramental life and other moral doctrines.
  • The authors are skilled and experienced teachers drawn from different parts of the country.

Target Audience

Students of JS1-3, teachers and the general reading public.

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  • JSS
  • JSS1
  • JSS2
  • JSS3

Additional information

Weight 0.5 kg
Dimensions 56 × 23 × 27 cm

JSS, Hardcover, Audiobook, Audio CD, Kindle




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