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Comprehensive Certificate Chemistry (Second Edition)


Comprehensive Certificate Chemistry (Second Edition) has been written in accordance with the requirements of WASSCE/SSCE (NECO) examinations. It has been prepared to also meet the needs of candidates writing entrance examinations into Universities, Polytechnics and Colleges of Education. Year One undergraduate students of chemistry too will find the book very useful.

This new edition treats chemistry in a simple language, no previous knowledge of the subject is assumed. Each chapter has a concise introduction to prepare students for what they will encounter in the chapter. Chapters are broken into sections with small units for easy comprehension and end with summary that gives systemic recapitulation of the contents

The book also contains detailed experiments with their results discussed in order to make chemical principles fully understood. At the end of each chapter are study exercises to test students’ understanding and help them develop problem-solving skills. There are also three sets of general revision questions with answers provided at the end to help students in preparing for examinations. In addition, three chapters are dedicated to project work (under the tutelage of the teacher) to stimulate students’ interest in research, which is the bedrock of the sciences.

Comprehensive Certificate Chemistry (Second Edition) is written by seasoned teachers and their wealth of experience in teaching chemistry has been brought to bear in the presentation and treatment of the subject matter.

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ISBN: 978 978 030 830 8 Category: Tag:


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