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Garba believes that the birth of his son, Bala has brought him misfortune. This superstitious belief makes him to send his son away from his house. The fervent pleas by Bala’s mother do not placate the father to change his decision. The poor boy eventually leaves home to wander in the forest until he meets one Arabic scholar, Malam Umar, and becomes his servant, Bala’s father seems to have an alternative in Auwalu who is a half – brotherto Bala but everything ends in disappointment, by dint of hard work, diligence, perseverance and loyal service to his master, Bala enjoys the positive side of destiny.

This book shows the role hard work, faithfulness, tolerance and diligence play in fulfilling human destiny, an irresistible power believed to be directing the affairs of human beings.

Najib Sani was born in Bauchi local Government Area of Bauchi State in 1988. He holds a Higher National Diploma of the Federal Polytechnic, Bauchi in Mass Communication and observed his National Youth Service Corps in Jigawa State.

The author is a journalist and the current Financial Secretary of the Nigerian Union of Journalists (NUJ), Bauchi State chapter.

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ISBN: 978 978 940 7828 Categories: , Tags: , ,

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Weight 0.1 kg
Dimensions 8.25 × 5.5 cm


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