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Basic Science & Technology For Junior Secondary School (information Tech) Book 2


Basic Science and Technology for Junior Secondary Schools (Information Technology) is a three- book series developed to give junior secondary school students a head start in information technology.

The three books are written in accordance with the new Nigerian Educational Research and Development Council (NERDC) curriculum for the 3 -year Upper Basic Education programme. The series pay particular attention to global trends such as the convergence phenomenon in technology, the idea of the digital divide and ICT being the driving force behind economic development, among others.

The contents are treated in themes and chapters. Each chapter is broken down into units which have been carefully sequenced and arranged to aid easy comprehension.

The books are presented in simple information technology language with beautiful illustrations and pictures. The addition of activities and exercises at the end of each chapter would help teachers to easily evaluate student’s performance in order to realise the objectives of each chapter.

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Additional information

Weight 0.2 kg
Dimensions 9.75 × 7.5 cm


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