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Computer Studies for Senior Secondary Schools (1)


Computer Studies for Senior Secondary Schools is a three-book series developed to build on the knowledge students already acquired from the earlier Junior Secondary School series. The three books are written in accordance with the new Nigerian Educational Research and Development Council (NERDC) Curriculum for the 3-year Senior Secondary School Education Programme. Lucidly written, the language of the textbook is contemporary, paying attention to new trends in computer science, programming, computer application and the use and development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). The objective is to stimulate further interest in computer science and computer related studies/career at higher levels, thus addressing the challenges of the digital divide and the dearth of computer programmers.

The contents are treated in themes and chapters. Each chapter is broken down into units, which have been carefully sequenced and arranged to aid easy comprehension. The addition of activities and questions at the end of each chapter would help teachers easily evaluate students’ performance in order to realise the objectives of each chapter.

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ISBN: 978 978 069 757 0 Category: Tags: , ,


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