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Exam Focus English Studies For Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE)


Exam Focus English Studies for Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE), formerly known as Junior School Certificate Examination (JSCE), is provided for students preparing for the Junior School Certificate Examination at both federal and state schools. The book, which is written by experienced teachers and examiners, covers the entire Junior Secondary School Curricula in both English Language and Literature in English.


The English Language section covers: Continuous Writing, Comprehension and Summary, Lexis and Structure, Vocabulary and Register and Oral English. The Literature in English aspect covers the meaning of Literature and Literary Appreciation, including the analysis of recommended literary texts and poems.


Chapters are divided into various units and subunits containing numerous examples, revision exercises and model questions. Past questions with solutions and remarks are also included in the book in order to properly prepare students for their basic education certificate examination

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Additional information

Weight 0.4 kg
Dimensions 9.5 × 7.5 cm


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