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UNDETERRED; The Pendulum Swings On


This publication provides the author the opportunity to reminisce on the journey of his life leading up to 60 years on mother earth. It is a reflection of his early childhood, educational career, his adulthood, students’ union activism, his venture into politics, the ups and down of the mucky waters of politics, public and family life, entrepreneurship, entertainment, philanthropy, challenges, and service to humanity.

It is aimed at inspiring the youth and adults alike towards having a positive attitude in life, encourage the development of good virtues such as dedication, hard work, purposefulness, trustworthiness, endurance, perseverance, team spirit and leadership skills in all endeavors.

Reflecting on the journey of life, the author concludes that all good things come from God, that after every sunset, there shall be a sunrise and that he who steals one’s purse, steals nothing but he who steals one’s good name steals everything.

Definitely, winners never quit and quitters never win. The journey of life is a race that must be fully experienced for the maturity of the soul.

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Additional information

Weight 0.4 kg
Dimensions 8.75 × 6.0 cm


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