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Young Achievers – English Step 1-3

(1 customer review)


The Young Achievers series is a set of books designed to introduce children to the wonderful world of education. The books are filled with engaging activities that help children understand the basic principles of different subjects and gain a strong foothold in the vast world of learning.

The English books introduce the children to the wonderful world of language through concepts like patterns, letters, words and sentences. The concepts are taught with relevant examples and fun activities to help the children understand them better.

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  • Step
  • Step 1
  • Step 2
  • Step 3
ISBN: 9789780698362 SKU: 48 Categories: , Tags: , , ,


The Young Achievers series is a set of books designed to introduce children to the wonderful world of education. The books are filled with engaging activities that help children understand the basic principles of different subjects and gain a strong foothold in the vast world of learning.

The English books introduce the children to the wonderful world of language through concepts like patterns, letters, words and sentences. The concepts are taught with relevant examples and fun activities to help the children understand them better.

Additional information

Weight 0.5 kg
Dimensions 56 × 23 × 27 cm

Step, Book, Audiobook, Audio CD, Kindle


Step 1, Step 2, Step 3

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