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ABC Colouring and Activity book


Ada Okibedi’s well-known talents as an educationist and children’s book illustrator are brilliantly combined in this alphabet book. ABC Colouring and Activity book contains twenty-six ingeniously designed animals, insects, objects and various forms of nature. Young children in the Nursery and Primary Schools will have fun with this book when identifying the array of things illustrated and when participating in colouring them.

This book comes with a free interactive CD

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ISBN: 9789780695255 SKU: 42 Categories: , Tags: , ,


Ada Okibedi’s well-known talents as an educationist and children’s book illustrator are brilliantly combined in this alphabet book. ABC Colouring and Activity book contains twenty-six ingeniously designed animals, insects, objects and various forms of nature. Young children in the Nursery and Primary Schools will have fun with this book when identifying the array of things illustrated and when participating in colouring them.

This book comes with a free interactive CD

Additional information

Weight 0.5 kg
Dimensions 56 × 23 × 27 cm

Paperback, Hardcover, Audiobook, Audio CD, Kindle


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