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Christian Religious Studies and National Values


Christian Religious Studies and National Values for Primary Schools is a six­-book series purposefully packaged to conform with the new Nigerian Educational Research and Development Council (NERDC) curriculum for the first six years of the 9-year Basic Education Programme.

Completely new, each book is divided into two sections: Christian Religious Studies and National Values.

Section 1 exposes the pupils to Christian preaching and teachings on godliness and relationship with neighbours.

Section 2, which comprises Civic Education, Social Studies and National Values, carefully treats concepts and topics that relate to societal and behavioural issues in our national life; discusses a variety of ideas and information that will enable pupils understand their immediate community; and informs on current security issues and precautionary measures.

The contents of the books are treated in a holistic manner to build spiritually, morally sound and upright citizens who would ensure the promotion of the political and socioeconomic development of Nigeria.

The books are designed to be used by both teachers and pupils due to their participatory structure. Each text is accompanied by a Workbook and two volumes of Teachers’ Guide for the lower and middle basic levels. The authors are experienced teachers in the field and have been drawn to reflect the diverse cultures and experiences of Nigeria.

Authors: Olufemi J. Olugasa, Olusola H. Bamidele, Felix K. Alonge, Julius O. Onwuka

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  • Primary
  • Primary 1
  • Primary 2
  • Primary 3
  • Primary 4
  • Primary 5
  • Primary 6
ISBN: N/A SKU: 08 Categories: , Tags: , ,


Christian Religious Studies and National Values for Primary Schools is a six­-book series purposefully packaged to conform with the new Nigerian Educational Research and Development Council (NERDC) curriculum for the first six years of the 9-year Basic Education Programme.

Completely new, each book is divided into two sections: Christian Religious Studies and National Values.

Section 1 exposes the pupils to Christian preaching and teachings on godliness and relationship with neighbours.

Section 2, which comprises Civic Education, Social Studies and National Values, carefully treats concepts and topics that relate to societal and behavioural issues in our national life; discusses a variety of ideas and information that will enable pupils understand their immediate community; and informs on current security issues and precautionary measures.

The contents of the books are treated in a holistic manner to build spiritually, morally sound and upright citizens who would ensure the promotion of the political and socioeconomic development of Nigeria.

The books are designed to be used by both teachers and pupils due to their participatory structure. Each text is accompanied by a Workbook and two volumes of Teachers’ Guide for the lower and middle basic levels. The authors are experienced teachers in the field and have been drawn to reflect the diverse cultures and experiences of Nigeria.

Authors: Olufemi J. Olugasa, Olusola H. Bamidele, Felix K. Alonge, Julius O. Onwuka

Additional information

Weight 0.5 kg
Dimensions 56 × 23 × 27 cm

Primary, Hardcover, Audiobook, Audio CD, Kindle


Primary 1, Primary 2, Primary 3, Primary 4, Primary 5, Primary 6


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