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Verbal and Logical Reasoning For Primary Schools Book 5



Verbal and Logical Reasoning for Primary Schools is a six-book activity series written for pupils in the lower and upper primary schools in order to broaden their mastery of verbal and logical reasoning.

The books have been carefully put together to enhance the verbal and logical reasoning skills of pupils through elementary English facts and concepts of the alphabet, parts of speech, spellings, tenses, synonyms, antonyms, homophones and homographs, jumbled words, anagrams and so on.

In addition to these, some logical test activities such as Venn diagram, puzzles, ranking and series, patterns, coding and decoding, analogies and sudoku are included in the text.

This is to help pupils improve on how to reason logically, improve on speed and mental ability, establish logical and analytical relationships and also build their level of confidence.

The series will afford pupils the ability to understand and comprehend written passages, acquire basic techniques required in solving questions on verbal reasoning with ease, thereby enhancing a better performance in common entrance examination and other competitive examinations.

Book 6 of the series comprises carefully selected preparatory examination questions. This is to further enhance pupils’ level of preparedness for various examinations.


Quantitative and Logical Reasoning for Primary Schools

Quantitative and Logical Reasoning for Primary Schools is a six-book activity series written for pupils in the lower and upper primary schools.

The books have been carefully put together to enhance the logical and quantitative reasoning skills of pupils through elementary mathematical facts and concepts of measurement, number series, variables, shapes, algebra and so on.

This is to help pupils develop their reasoning capabilities, problem-solving techniques, speed, as well as improve their mental understanding and ability to establish logical and analytical, relationships in arriving at the right solutions.

Presented and rendered in accordance with the Mathematics curriculum as directed by Nigerian Educational Research and Development Council (NERDC), the books will help pupils acquire basic techniques required in solving questions on quantitative reasoning with ease, thereby enabling better performance in the common entrance examination and other competitive examinations.

Book 6 of the series comprises carefully selected preparatory examination questions. This is to further enhance pupils’ level of preparedness for the examination.

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